The Teacher Dashboard shows teachers, at a glance, their latest activity, daily book recommendations, and a snapshot of their students’ activity.
What’s Different for Teachers?
The Teacher Home Screen mirrors the student home screen, but with extra features.
- Quick Stats: Teachers see a summary of student data.
- My Books: The teacher’s Book Info includes more detail.
- Explore: Teachers can view any book recommendations they’ve made.
Book Search: Teachers’ searches draw from all titles. Students’ searches draw from
titles within their grade levels—unless the teacher changes this in Settings. Teachers can also filter by grade level.
Teacher Dashboard
The Teacher Dashboard gives a quick snapshot of activity in Literacy Pro.
New Picks: Literacy Pro recommends books from the students’ grade levels.
Quick Stats: This area gives a quick glimpse of how students are performing. Teachers can select the class for which they want to view these stats.
Teacher Navigation
Teachers can move easily through Literacy Pro.
Literacy Pro: Teachers select the Literacy Pro logo to go to the Home Screen
Explore: Here teachers can browse all collections of books in Literacy Pro.
My Books: Teachers’ personal list of titles they’ve added to their bookshelves.
Book Search: Teachers can search for books by grade level, title, author, genre, interest, or keyword.
Students & Reports: Here teachers can view reports.
Resources: Go here to find additional information about Literacy Pro.
Settings: Teachers can set their classes’ reading levels and customize their students’ experiences.