Book Card Icons
- Bookmark: Teachers select the bookmark icon in the upper-left corner of a book to add the title to their bookshelf.
- Spanish: Spanish-language titles are marked with the ñ icon.
- Read It Now: Books with this button are ebooks and can be read at any time. Books without this button are recommended paperbacks that students may want to add to their reading lists. Or, if students are already reading the book, they can log time for it.
- My Recommendations: The thumbs up icon shows ebooks that teacher has recommended for this student.
- Think More : The lightbulb icon indicates that this title has a Think More, an end-of-book comprehension activity.
- Ebook with Audio: Books with the volume icon have a read-aloud feature.
- Teaching Tip Card: The 't' icon indicates that this ebook has a teaching tip card available.
Book Information
- Book Details: Here teachers can find information about the book, including series, title, author, plot, page count, reading level, and genre.
- View Tip Card: This button opens up the teaching tip card in a new window.
- Interests: These icons indicate which interest categories the title falls into.
- Manage Recommendations: Recommend this book to one or more students.
- Read It Now: Books with this designation are ebooks and can be accessed at any time. Users can select this button to launch the ebook.
- View Think More: This button allows the teacher to see the questions, answer choices, correct answers, and skills in this book’s Think More.
Manage Recommendations: From the book info screen, the educator can manage recommendations for the title. Select Manage Recommendations, and then select the students to whom you’d like to recommend the book. Then select Apply.
- If the ebook you recommended is outside of the student’s grade-level range, they will have access to the book—unless you cancel the recommendation. (To cancel a recommendation, deselect the corresponding student.)
- View Tip Card (NEW): An educator can immediately view the one-page lesson planning guide for a title.