Literacy Pro Admin Dashboard
In Literacy Pro, students set goals for how many minutes per week they will read. On the Administrator Dashboard landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing how students are progressing on the current week’s class-wide goal.
This Snapshot Shows:
A.) The total number of minutes spent in Literacy Pro by month. This value includes time spent reading ebooks, manually-entered minutes, and time spent completing Think Mores, writing book reviews, and browsing through titles. Select a bar in the chart to view the exact minutes spent per month.
B.) The total number of minutes spent in Literacy Pro for the selected date range. Hover over the total minutes to see the exact minutes spent during the date range selected.
C.) The percentage of students Active in Literacy Pro and the total of students rostered.
D.) The selected grade levels identified in the Grades filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then Literacy Pro will default to Grades K–8.
On the Administrator Dashboard Literacy Pro Explore Page, choices selected in the filters will apply to the Overview table and will stay constant as you navigate through views.
A.) Above the filters, you will be able to see the previous views you visited to get to the current one. Click on a previous page title to return to that view.
B.) Use the Date Range filter to narrow down a time frame. The default start date is the first day of the current school year, while the default end date is the current date.
C.) Use the Grades filter to narrow down results by student grade level.
D.) Use the Sites filter to narrow down results by school or site.
E.) Use the Users filter to narrow down results by teacher.
All Sites View
Student Performance: All Sites
The All Sites Report shows data points for students broken down by school across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) Site Name lists each school within a district.
B.) Teachers Registered lists the number of teachers registered in Literacy Pro.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student at a school has logged into Literacy Pro.
L.) Each subsequent row is an individual school’s values across each category. You can click on a school to view more in-depth information for that particular school. (See Single Site View.)
Single Site View
Student Performance: Single Site
The Single Site Report shows data points for students broken down by teacher across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) User Name lists each teacher within a school.
B.) Grade(s) lists the grade range(s) taught by each teacher.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student for each teacher has logged into Literacy Pro.
L.) Each subsequent row lists an individual teacher’s values across each category. You can click on a teacher to view more in-depth information for that particular teacher. (See Single User View.)
Single User View
Student Performance: Single User
The Single User Report shows data points for students broken down by class across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) Class Name lists each class for a teacher.
B.) Grade(s) lists the grade range taught by this teacher.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student in each of this teacher’s classes has logged into Literacy Pro.
L.) Each subsequent row lists an individual class’s values across each category. You can click on a class to be brought to that teacher’s Explore Page and view more in-depth information. (See Teacher Dashboard Literacy Pro Explore Page.)
Literacy Pro Teacher Dashboard
Literacy Pro Snapshot
In Literacy Pro, students set goals for how many minutes they will read per week. On the Teacher Dashboard landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing how students are progressing on this week’s class-wide goal.
This Snapshot Shows:
A.) The number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro that week.
B.) Usage includes the total usage minutes spent in Literacy Pro for all students in a class, including session time and manually entered reading minutes.
C.) Reading includes the total number of books in progress in Literacy Pro for all students in a class.
D.) Completed includes the total number of books marked as completed in Literacy Pro for all students in a class.
E.) LitBits includes the total number of LitBits earned in Literacy Pro for all students in a class.
F.) The Goal for the week is the total number of minutes all students aim to read that week.
G.) The Reading Minutes This Week chart shows the progress your class is making toward their reading goals. It includes all ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
H.) The Percent of Minutes Read chart shows which students have completed a certain percentage of their personal reading goal. You can click on any percentage segment to view a list of students and their specific progress.
I.) Total Think Mores Completed includes the total number of Think Mores that all students have completed.
J.) The Average Think More Score displays the average score on Think Mores for all students.
K.) The Explore link leads to the Teacher Dashboard’s Literacy Pro Explore page, where you can view more in-depth data.
Literacy Pro Explore
On the Teacher Dashboard Literacy Pro Explore page, choices selected in the filters will apply to the reports and will stay constant as you navigate between tabs.
A.) Use the Date Range filter to narrow down a time frame. The default start date is the first day of the current school year, while the default end date is the current date.
B.) Use the Your Class filter to switch between your different classes.
C.) Use the View filter to switch between viewing all students or student groups.
D.) Use the Group Set filter to select which group you would like to view.
E.) Select See Additional Reports to be taken to reports housed in Literacy Pro. (Note: These reports will be removed from the Literacy Pro in the near future.)
F.) Use the tabs to navigate between different reports: Overview, Think More, and Reading Goals.
Overview Tab
Student Performance: Overview
The Class Overview Report shows data points for students in this class across different categories. This report is customizable by time period.
A.) Student Name lists each student.
B.) Grade lists a student’s grade level.
C.) Ebook Minutes lists the total time spent in ebooks.
D.) Student Entered Minutes lists the total reading time that a student has manually entered.
E.) Total Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
F.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
G.) Think Mores Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
H.) Total Minutes lists the total time students that have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
I.) Average Weekly Minutes lists the average time that students spend in Literacy Pro each week, including browsing and reading time.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that each student has logged into Literacy Pro.
K.) Level lists the student’s reading level.
L.) LitBits lists the total number of LitBits that the student has earned.
M.) The top row, Average, lists the average value in each category across all classes, and will update with filter selections.
N.) Each subsequent row lists an individual student’s values across each category.
Think More Tab
Student Performance: Think More
The Class Think More Report shows the average scores for students in this class on individual comprehension skills encountered in Think More check-ins. This report is customizable by time period and by skill.
Look For: Pull together students who are not performing well on specific skills and teach a mini-lesson. As you look at students’ results, keep an eye on how many attempts they’ve made. If they haven’t encountered the skill at least three times, the percentages might not yet be relevant.
A.) Use the Book Titles filter to narrow down results by book.
B.) Use the color legend to easily identify score breakdowns.
C.) Toggle on Data in Tables to view data by student in a simplified table.
D.) Skill Name lists each skill that could be tested on a Think More.
E.) Student results are broken down by skill and score.
F.) # Correct lists the number of questions answered correctly by all students.
G.) # Attempted lists the number of questions encountered by all students.
H.) % Average lists the average score for that category across all students.
I.) Select any figure for the corresponding student(s)’s name, as well as their stats (number of correct answers out of number of attempts and percentage correct).
Reading Goals Tab
Student Performance: Reading Goals
This chart shows each student’s progress toward days-per-week reading goals and minutes-per-week reading goals. See the columns on the far right for information about each student’s goals during the selected week.
Look For: Check in with students who are not consistently making their goals. Do they need help finding books they’ll like? Should they lower their goals and work their way back up? Similarly, check in with students who are consistently meeting or exceeding their goals. Is it time for them to challenge themselves and increase their goals? (In Literacy Pro, students set their own goals, and these goals are retained until the student adjusts them—even year over year. Students can easily change their reading goals by selecting the Profile tab.
A.) The Total Minutes Reading Chart shows the progress your class is making toward achieving their reading goals, across the selected date range. It includes all ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
B.) Use the color legend to easily identify whether a student has met their goal.
C.) Toggle on Data in Tables to view data by student in a simplified table.
D.) Students lists each student in the class or group.
E.) See the total number of reading minutes a student records each day.
F.) See the number of days a student has read, along with the goal they have set. If they have met or exceeded their goal, they will have a checkmark.
G.) See the number of minutes a student has read, along with the goal they have set. If they have met or exceeded their goal, they will have a checkmark.
This data is shown on a Monday-Sunday time scale. If the selected date range is more than a week, you will be able to page through each week. The default view will be the week with the end day in the selected date range.