The Student Home Screen will reflect each student’s interests and experiences. Students will see their latest activity, view book recommendations, and keep track of their reading minutes and LitBits.
Student Dashboard
Informs students at a glance where they left off.
Jump Back In: The book the student has been interacting with most recently. He or she has been reading it, entering minutes for it, or completing a Think More.
Progress Bar: This bar shows how much the student has read in the last book they interacted with.
Think More : Students can go directly to the Think More end-of-book comprehension check-in.
Log Time: Students reading print titles can log the minutes they’ve read. (Time in ebooks is automatically recorded.)
Books #2 and #3: Other books that the student also interacted with recently.
Data: This area gives students a quick glimpse of their progress.
Student Navigation
Here’s how students move quickly throughout Literacy Pro.
Literacy Pro: Students select this icon to go to the Student Home Screen
Explore: Here students can browse collections of ebooks based on their grade level and interests.
My Books: Titles the student has collected—both ebooks and paperbacks.
Search: Students can search for books by title, author, or keyword.
Profile: Students can see detailed information about their account.
Students see collections of ebooks based on the interests they’ve selected, as well as on their grade level.