For your students to get started with Literacy Pro, you will need to set up their accounts on Scholastic Digital Manager (SDM).
Launching Literacy Pro
If students have multiple Scholastic digital resources, they will launch Literacy Pro from the SDM dashboard. They’ll select the Literacy Pro icon to launch.
If Literacy Pro is the student’s only Scholastic digital resource, it will launch immediately after sign-in.
Pick an Avatar
Students first pick an avatar, which they can change at any time.
Complete the Interest Survey
Next, students go through a brief interest survey and select at least three of 24 interests. And they’ll look at book covers of varying genres and indicate which they think they’d like.
Set Goals
Students will then be guided to set two weekly goals.
- They’ll select how many days they’d like to read during a week.
- They’ll also decide how many minutes they’ll read on each of those days.
In the circle in the middle of the screen, they’ll see the total minutes per week they plan to read.
Ebook Collections
Students will then be taken to the Student Home Screen. In the dashboard area at the top, they’ll see three recommended Literacy Pro ebooks, based on the interests they selected in the interest survey, as well as their grade level.
Below the dashboard, they’ll see collections of ebooks, also based on their interests and grade level. In these collections, the orange Read It Now button indicates that a title is a Literacy Pro ebook. Users can select this button to launch the ebook.