From the navigation bar, students select Student Profile to view a complete look at all their independent reading activity during the year.
Avatar: Here students can view the avatar they have selected. They can select the pencil to change it at any time.
Viewing History: Students can scroll to view their reading history and goals from previous weeks by selecting the arrow buttons next to the current week view.
Goals: Here’s a look at how students are doing on their goals this week. They can select Change Your
Goals at any time.
LitBits: This is the total number of LitBits the student has earned. He or she can select See Your LitBits to view how those LitBits were earned.
Your Interest Categories: Here students can view the interest categories they have selected. They can select See More to view and change their interests at any time.
Reading Log
From the Reading Log section of the Student Profile, students can view their complete Reading Log. It provides a list of the titles that students have been reading and those that they have completed.
For each title, students can see the date they read, along with the number of minutes. Students can also see any ratings they’ve given completed books. Students can use the headings at the top of the log—Date, What you read, Minutes, and Rating—to sort their records.
This screen can be printed out for conferring with the teacher and for sharing with students’ families.
Adding Minutes for Paperback Titles in the Literacy Pro Database
Literacy Pro includes records for thousands of paperback titles—many of them with Think More check-ins. That means that when students are reading paperbacks from home, from the classroom or school library, or from any source, they can enter the minutes they’ve spent reading in Literacy Pro. They may also be able to take a Think More based on their paperback.
To enter minutes for a paperback title, students will start in the Reading Log. There, they’ll select Add To Log.
A screen will slide over the Reading Log. Students will select Search for Book. They’ll then see a search field, as well as the books from their personal bookshelf.
Students can either enter a book title in the search field or select a book from their bookshelf.
If a student searches for a title that is in the Literacy Pro database, the cover and title will appear. The student should select the cover.
Students will fill in the date and the number of minutes they read. They’ll then select Save, and the panel will close.
The paperback cover will appear in the student’s Reading Log. The student will be able to continue logging minutes for the book.
If there is a Think More icon next to the cover, the student can take a Think More check-in based on this book.
Adding Minutes for Other Paperback Titles
If students are reading a paperback, magazine, or other text that is not in the Literacy Pro database, they can easily enter the title in Literacy Pro and log their reading minutes.
Students will follow the directions in the preceding section for adding minutes. When they reach the search field, they’ll enter the title of their paperback. If the title is not in the Literacy Pro database, they’ll see this screen. They’ll select the Add Book button.
Next, they’ll select a book cover.
Students can edit the paperback title and add an author. They can also edit the date and fill in the number of minutes they read. They’ll then select Save to close this panel.
The cover will appear in the student’s Reading Log. The student will be able to continue logging minutes for the book.
Making Changes to the Reading Log
Students can edit an entry from the Reading Log. They start at the Reading Log and select the entry they want to change. They’ll then see a window where they can make adjustments.
Minutes: Students can adjust their reading minutes for a paperback title.
Removing Titles: Students can remove titles from the Reading Log. All minutes entered for that title will be deleted.
Book Completed: Students MUST check this box for it to be marked as completed.
Marking a Paperback as Finished
When students have completed a book, they can make note of it in the Reading Log. To mark a book as finished, the student will go to the Reading Log and select the book they completed. They’ll then check the box indicating that they finished the book.
Rating and Reviewing an Ebook or Paperback
After marking a book as complete, the student can scroll down to rate and review it.
Rate It: Students rate the book on a scale of one to five stars. Students’ ratings are averaged and appear on the Book Info card for that title.
Your Opinion: Students select from a dropdown menu that includes a range of opinions.
Write a Review: Students can write to fill out their opinion of the book. Reviews are shared with the student’s teacher only.
My Goals
From the Goals area of the Student Profile, students can check their progress against their weekly goals with Quick Stats, Personal Records, and other reading-related data. They can also change their goals as needed. This screen can be printed out for conferring with the teacher and for sharing with students’ families.
Note: Students’ goals are tabulated over a week—from Monday morning until Sunday at midnight. If students change their goals midweek, the reporting at the end of the week will reflect these new, revised goals.
LitBits are used to acknowledge student achievement. From the LitBits area of the Student Profile, students can see how their LitBits were earned.
Here are some activities for which students can earn LitBits:
- Accomplishing each of their weekly goals (2 LitBits per goal)
- Exceeding a weekly goal (2 LitBits)
- Completing a book (2 LitBits)
- Note: A student must go to the Reading Log and mark a book as
finished for it to be listed here.
- Note: A student must go to the Reading Log and mark a book as
- 100% correct on a Think More (2 LitBits)
- Creating a reading streak of 3 days in a row, at least 10 minutes each day (3 LitBits)