Yes! Administrators can use direct links in ClassLink, allowing students to launch directly into specific Scholastic digital programs.
Direct linking allows you to use a product's unique launch URL so that you always have the option of directing users towards the most relevant content. To create a direct link in ClassLink, you need to add the target program as an additional SSO app in your ClassLink Management Console.
The steps are similar to how you first enabled LTI Single Sign-On access for Scholastic Digital Manager except instead of using the Scholastic Digital Manager Launch URL, you will create an app using the target program's Launch URL.
- Fill in the metadata for the new SSO app that will point to a specific program:
- Name: Fill in the name of the target program
- Description: Provide a short description of the target program
- Icon: Choose or upload an icon of your choice to represent the program on your LaunchPad
- Category: Education
- Subject: English/Language Arts
- Enable Deeplink: Toggled Off
- Auto Launch: Toggled On
- Single Sign-on App: Toggled On
- Type: LTI v1.0
- Select Add (or Edit) underneath the Type dropdown menu
- This opens a window where you can add in your organization's LTI credentials.
- You can find your Scholastic LTI Key, Secret, and your programs' Launch URL by signing in at with your Scholastic username and password and selecting Class LTI Info in your Administrator Dashboard.
- Listed on the Class LTI Info page are the launch URLS for any programs to which your organization has active subscriptions.
- Paste your Scholastic LTI Key, Secret, and the target program's Launch URL into the appropriate fields in ClassLink and select Save.
- Under Resource ID, enter the same URL as your Launch URL from step 6.
- Set User ID to “Email”
- Toggle Lis person contact email primary to ON
- Toggle Allow all users to ON
- You will need to add in 5 custom parameters at the bottom of this page. Use the Add Field button to add 5 parameters. Please Note: You will need to type the “name” fields manually but should be able to select the “value” fields using a drop down.
- Select Save and then select Save again.
- Find your newly created app within your list of existing apps and select Assign. Make certain that all groups who need to see this particular program's app (administrators, teachers, and students) have been added to the app.