Whether your child uses an Scholastic Digital Manager username and password, a Clever account, a Google Classroom account, or uses another learning management system, we recommend contacting your child's teacher for information on their preferred method and login credentials.
Once you know your child's login method and credentials, please refer to the appropriate access method below.
- Go to https://digital.scholastic.com. Bookmark this site on your device so you can easily return next time!
- Sign in using the method and credentials provided by your child's teacher. We recommend allowing your browser to save the username and password for next time.
You have three options to launch Scholastic Digital Manager using Clever:
- Sign in to your district's Clever portal and select the Scholastic icon from the list of available learning applications.
- Use Clever Badges to access your Clever Portal.
- Use the SIGN IN WITH CLEVER option at http://digital.scholastic.com.
To launch Scholastic digital products from ClassLink, your child first needs to sign in ClassLink and open the Scholastic Digital Manager app.
- Sign in to ClassLink.
- Select the Scholastic Digital Manager app from the ClassLink launchpad.
- Your child will then launch immediately into their Scholastic Digital Manager dashboard. If you encounter any sign-in issues, please reach out to your child's teacher
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If your child's class uses Google Classroom, all you need is your child's Google Classroom username and password.
- Go to https://digital.scholastic.com
- Select SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE CLASSROOM and sign in with your child's Google Classroom account.
Please note: if your child’s home device is managed through Google Family Link, you may need to add their school account to the list of allowed accounts on their device.
For more information, please refer to Google’s instructions for signing into a Google Classroom account on a Family Link managed device.
- Access your school's Learning Management System.
- Select the appropriate application link and launch Scholastic Digital Manager.
- Depending on your LMS, you may need to launch the link in a new tab.