- GLOBAL: Add 'aria-checked' attributes to search filters
- A11y - watchandlearn - Paywall modal - Element without accessible name and aria-labelledby attribute referring to a missing element - 1.3.1: Info and Relationships
- Enhanced Slideshows - Missing Element - When Observing Slideshows - there is no navigation arrow to go to next or prev slide
- Slideshows - Missing Element - When Observing Slideshows - there is no navigation arrow to go to next or prev slide
- A11y - watchandlearn - Contact Us - Link not operable via keyboard - 2.1.1: Keyboard
Ongoing Support
- Bookmarks - Misaligned Element - When Observing Bookmarks page - Magazine names are overlaid onto each other in the Filter by Magazine section in My Bookmarks page
- Prevent Google from Indexing Archived or Non-Customer Facing Sites
- Update to Homepage Spotlight component - Add "Game" option to dropdown