The Administrator Dashboard now supports exporting student data as a CSV. To get started, select the “CSV Export” button in the upper right corner of the Administrator Dashboard.
Selecting the “CSV Export” button opens a flyout window, providing access to the following options:
A.) Select an individual school, or “All” schools from the Sites drop down, to identify the schools to include the CSV export.
B.) If an individual school was selected, the option to select an individual teacher, or “All” teachers will be available in the “Users” drop down.
C.) If an individual teacher was selected, the option to select one of their classes, or “All” classes will be available in the “Classes” drop down.
D.) Identify the start and end date from the Date Range picker to include the CSV export.
E.) Select the Scholastic digital products to export data for.
F.) When selections are complete, select “Export”. The report creation will be initiated and will appear in the “Pending Exports” section. The report will not automatically appear once it becomes available. Use the “refresh” icon to refresh the page to check if the export is ready for download.
Note: exports may take longer to create. Once the reports are ready to be downloaded, they will appear in the “Past Exports” section and will be available for 24 hours.