Welcome to the Scholastic Administrator Dashboard User Guide.
This guide will show you how to use the data generated in your Scholastic digital resources to monitor students’ progress.
With this innovative dashboard, you’ll have all your data, all in one place, from any of these Scholastic digital programs you have in your schools:
• Scholastic F.I.R.S.T.
• Scholastic W.O.R.D.
• Scholastic Literacy Pro
• Scholastic Reading Measure
• Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, K–6
• and coming soon … Ready4Reading!
The Scholastic Administrator Dashboard provides a Snapshot of student data. On the dashboard landing page, you’ll find Snapshot tiles with overviews of your students’ activity in Scholastic digital resources for the current school year. You’ll also find Snapshots relating to student’s Guided Reading Levels and/or Lexile measures.
Use this guide to make the most of your Scholastic Administrator Dashboard.
Scholastic Digital Manager
Scholastic Digital Manager (SDM) is at the very heart of your digital products. SDM provides a single place for educators and students to access and manage their Scholastic digital suite of programs. SDM also provides educators a single place to perform tasks such as managing student enrollment and managing access to specific resources.
Logging into the Administrator Dashboard
Log in to the Scholastic Administrator Dashboard using the SDM Login Screen.
1. Go to https://digital.scholastic.com/sign-in/staff or your institution’s unique login URL. Enter the Scholastic Digital Manager profile username and password.
2. Click the “Data & Groups” icon in the top navigation bar to open the Administrator Dashboard.
3. Verify that you are viewing the Administrator Dashboard landing page.
Landing Page
On this landing page, you’ll find Snapshot tiles with overviews of your students’ activity in each Scholastic digital program in your schools. You’ll also find Snapshots relating to students’ most recent results in the Scholastic Reading Measure, or the Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, if these assessments are in use at your schools. These Snapshot tiles are broken down into two categories: Solutions and Assessments.
The Solutions section provides an overview of student usage and engagement for the following Scholastic products:
• Scholastic F.I.R.S.T.
• Scholastic W.O.R.D.
• Scholastic Literacy Pro
The Assessments section provides an overview of student assessment results for Scholastic assessments:
• Scholastic Reading Measure
• Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, K–6
• Letters2Meaning in Ready4Reading
At the top left of the screen, you can select your location using the “Your Building” drop down to select a district or school you want to view. Only Districts and Schools where you are an Administrator will be available for selection.
In the top center of the screen, you can select from a range of filters to specify the data you are looking for.
• Date Range: Use this filter to show program data by date. Otherwise, it will default to a range from the beginning of the school year to the current date.
• Grade Level: Use this filter to show program data by grade level. Otherwise, it will default to the recommended grade ranges for each program.
• Sites: Use this filter to show data for specific sites. Sites can include Schools, Libraries, or other locations that are using Scholastic programs in your Organization.
• Users: Use this filter to show data for specific educators. Only educators within the selected Sites will appear.
Accessing the Teacher Dashboard
Select an individual educator from the ‘Users’ drop down to activate the 'Teacher Dashboard' button, and gain more insights into their students' progress and performance.
[See Teacher Dashboard User Guide]
Scholastic F.I.R.S.T. Snapshot
In F.I.R.S.T., students engage with phonological and phonics activities, as well as with comprehension activities based on their ebooks. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot showing your schools’ usage and engagement in F.I.R.S.T. for the selected date range.
This snapshot shows:
A The total number of minutes spent in F.I.R.S.T. by month; Select a bar in the chart to view the exact minutes spent per month.
B The total number of minutes spent in F.I.R.S.T. for the year to date; Hover over the total minutes to see the exact minutes spent during the date range selected.
C The percentage of students Active in F.I.R.S.T. and the total students rostered;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then F.I.R.S.T. will default to grades K-2.
Scholastic W.O.R.D. Snapshot
In W.O.R.D., students work within themes on interactive vocabulary activities, collecting targeted vocabulary words along the way. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing your schools’ activity in W.O.R.D. for the selected date range.
This snapshot shows:
A The total number of minutes spent in W.O.R.D. by month; Select a bar in the chart to view the exact minutes spent per month.
B The total number of minutes spent in W.O.R.D. for the year to date; Hover over the total minutes to see the exact minutes spent during the date range selected.
C The percentage of students Active in W.O.R.D. and the total students rostered;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then W.O.R.D. will default to grades K-5.
Literacy Pro
Scholastic Literacy Pro Snapshot
In Literacy Pro, students spend time independently reading books and completing ThinkMore quizzes to show their comprehension. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing your schools’ activity in Literacy Pro for the selected date range.
This snapshot shows:
A The total number of minutes spent in Literacy Pro by month; This value includes time spent reading eBooks, manually entered minutes and time spent completing ThinkMores and browsing through titles. Select a bar in the chart to view the exact minutes spent per month.
B The total number of minutes spent in Literacy Pro for the selected date range; Hover over the total minutes to see the exact minutes spent during the date range selected.
C The percentage of students Active in Literacy Pro and the total students rostered;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then Literacy Pro will default to grades K-8.
Scholastic Reading Measure (SRM)
Scholastic Reading Measure Snapshot
The Scholastic Reading Measure (SRM) provides information on students’ Lexile Reading Levels. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing your schools’ performance on SRM.
This snapshot shows:
A A dropdown selection to display the most recent assessment results for the Beginning of Year (BOY), Middle of Year (MOY), or End of Year (EOY); The drop down will default to a selection, based on the current date.
BOY: Aug 1 - Nov 30
MOY: Dec 1 - Mar 31
EOY: April 1 - Jul 31
If multiple BOY, MOY, or EOY assessments are taken during the school year, use the date range filter to differentiate between assessments taken during the same benchmark period.
B The percentage of students who achieved Below Basic, Basic, Proficient or Advanced for the selected benchmark period; Select a bar in the chart to view the total students in each segment.
C The percentage of assessments assigned that have been completed, and the total number of assessments assigned;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then SRM will default to All Grades.
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment (NSGRA)
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment (NSGRA)Snapshot
NSGRA provides information on students’ Guided Reading Levels. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing your schools’ performance in the Next Step Guided Reading Assessment.
This snapshot shows:
A A dropdown selection to display the most recent assessment results for the Beginning of Year (BOY), Middle of Year (MOY), or End of Year (EOY); The drop down will default to a benchmark period, based on the current date.
BOY: Aug 1 - Nov 30
MOY: Dec 1 - Mar 31
EOY: April 1 - Jul 31
If multiple BOY, MOY, or EOY assessments are taken during the school year, use the date range filter to differentiate between assessments taken during the same benchmark period.
B The percentage of students above, on, or below level for the selected benchmark period; Select a bar in the chart to view the total students in each segment.
C The percentage of assessments completed, and the total number of students enrolled in NSGRA;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then NSGRA will default to K-6.
Letters2Meaning Assessment (L2M)
Letters2Meaning Assessment Snapshot
The Letters2Meaning Assessment (L2M) provides information on students’ Grade Equivalent scores in Ready4Reading. On the landing page, you’ll see a Snapshot tile showing your schools’ performance in the Letters2Meaning Assessment.
This snapshot shows:
A A dropdown selection to display assessment results for the First assessment, Last assessment, or First & Last assessments; The drop down will default to Last & First assessments, based on the current date.
First: The first assessment a student has taken in the selected date range
Last: The most recent assessment a student has taken in the selected date range
The most valuable indicator of growth is comparing a student’s First assessment to their most recent. If multiple assessments are taken during the school year, use the date range filter to differentiate between assessments taken during different periods.
B The percentage of students above, on, or below level for the selected assessment; Select a bar in the chart to view the total students in each segment.
C The percentage of assessments completed, and the total number of students enrolled in Ready4Reading;
D The selected grade levels identified in the ‘Grades’ filter. If Program Ranges is selected, then L2M will default to K-3 (the program range for Ready4Reading).
Literacy Pro Explore
On the Administrator Dashboard Literacy Pro Explore Page, choices selected in the filters will apply to the Overview table and will stay constant as you navigate through views.
A.) Above the filters, you will be able to see the previous views you visited to get to the current one. Click on a previous page title to return to that view.
B.) Use the Date Range filter to narrow down a time frame. The default start date is the first day of the current school year, while the default end date is the current date.
C.) Use the Grades filter to narrow down results by student grade level.
D.) Use the Sites filter to narrow down results by school or site.
E.) Use the Users filter to narrow down results by teacher.
All Sites View
Student Performance: All Sites
The All Sites Report shows data points for students broken down by school across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) Site Name lists each school within a district.
B.) Teachers Registered lists the number of teachers registered in Literacy Pro.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
G.) Average Minutes lists the average amount of time that each student spends in Literacy Pro.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student at a school has logged into Literacy Pro.
K.) The top row, Average, lists the average value in each category across all schools and will update with filter selections.
L.) Each subsequent row is an individual school’s values across each category. You can click on a school to view more in-depth information for that particular school. (See Single Site View.)
Single Site View
Student Performance: Single Site
The Single Site Report shows data points for students broken down by teacher across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) User Name lists each teacher within a school.
B.) Grade(s) lists the grade range(s) taught by each teacher.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
G.) Average Minutes Per Student lists the average amount of time that each teacher’s students spend in Literacy Pro.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student for each teacher has logged into Literacy Pro.
K.) The top row, Average, lists the average value in each category across all teachers, and will update with filter selections.
L.) Each subsequent row lists an individual teacher’s values across each category. You can click on a teacher to view more in-depth information for that particular teacher. (See Single User View.)
Single User View
Student Performance: Single User
The Single User Report shows data points for students broken down by class across different categories. This report is customizable by the filters.
A.) Class Name lists each class for a teacher.
B.) Grade(s) lists the grade range taught by this teacher.
C.) Students Enrolled lists the number of students enrolled in Literacy Pro.
D.) Active Students lists the number of students who have logged into Literacy Pro in the selected date range.
E.) Total Time Spent lists the total time that students have spent in Literacy Pro, including browsing and reading time.
F.) Reading Time lists the total time that students have spent reading in Literacy Pro, including ebook and manually entered reading minutes.
G.) Average Minutes lists the average amount of time that each student spends in Literacy Pro.
H.) Think More Completed lists the total number of Think Mores that students have completed.
I.) Books Completed lists the total number of books that students have completed.
J.) Last Session lists the last date that any student in each of this teacher’s classes has logged into Literacy Pro.
K.) The top row, Average, lists the average value in each category across all classes, and will update with filter selections.
L.) Each subsequent row lists an individual class’s values across each category. You can click on a class to be brought to that teacher’s Explore Page and view more in-depth information. (See Teacher Dashboard Literacy Pro Explore Page.)